Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Trials: Modern Trials:

Prosecution: Trials:

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Colombian History

Offenders: Alexo de Lescano, Lorenzo, de Lescano, Miguel de Lescano; Victims: Isabel de Piedrahíta

[Site] Mexican Trials

[Info] Elizondo, Lizeth. »Malice of the Human Heart: Assault and Sexual Consent in the Northern Borderlands of Spanish Texas and Coahuila, 1700-1821.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Site] Peruvian Trials

[Info] Ruiz, Rafael. »Argumentos retóricos y elementos de prueba en procesos criminales de la Real Audiencia de Lima a finales del siglo XVIII.« Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES 4 (2020): 1-20.

[Site] U.S. Trials

[Info] Arnold, Marybeth H. »"The Life of a Citizen in the Hands of a Woman": Sexual Assault in New York City, 1790-1820.« Passion & Power: Sexuality in History. Edited by Kathy Peiss et al. Philadelphia 1989: 35-56.

[Info] Block, Sharon. »Constructing Rape and Race in Early American Courts.« Center for Law, History and Culture, University of Southern California. Los Angeles 2004.

[Info] Chandler, Abby. At the Magistrate's Discretion: Sexual Crime and New England Law, 1636-1718. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maine, 2008.

[Info] Hamilton, Marybeth. »»"The Life of a Citizen in the Hands of a Woman": Sexual Assault in New York City, 1790-1820.« New York and the Rise of American Capitalism: Economic Development and the Social and Political History of an American State, 1780-1870. Edited by William Pencak et al. New York 1988.

[Info] Wood, L. Maren. Dangerous Liaisons: Narratives of Sexual Danger in the Anglo-American North, 1770-1820. Ph.D. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009.

[Site] A s i a n   T r i a l s

[Site] Chinese Trials

Cases: Real Offenders: Chen Yuan, Han Yu, Wang Junshi; Wu Su, Zhang Laihe; Real Victims: Zhao Wan

[Site] E u r o p e a n   T r i a l s

[Site] Austrian Trials

[Info] Griesebner, Andrea, et al. »Scheidungsgrund Sexualität: Die Anschuldigungen der Sodomie und der ehelichen sexuellen Gewalt in frühneuzeitlichen Eheverfahren.« Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs 8 (2019): 131-149.

[Site] English Trials

Cases: Real Offenders: Frederick Calvert, Francis Charteris; Real Victims: Sarah Woodcock

[Info] Gollapudi, Aparna. »The Disordered Fundament: Sexual Violence on Boys and Sodomy Trial Narratives in the Old Bailey ProceedingsInterpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 45-56.

[Info] Gollapudi, Aparna. »The Disordered Fundament: Sexual Violence on Boys and Sodomy Trial Narratives in the Old Bailey Proceedings.« Annual Meeting of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies. Williamsburg 2014.

[Info] Haisell, Camille. »‘Imprudent Sluts’ & ‘Sober Gentlemen’: Testimonial Injustice in Rape Trials at the Old Bailey, 1720-1742.« The Corvette 6 (2019): 76-89.

[Info] King, Peter. »Making Crime News: Newspapers, Violent Crime and the Selective Reporting of Old Bailey Trials in the late Eighteenth Century.« Crime, Histoire & Sociétés 13 (2009): 91-116.

[Info] Krueger, Misty. »The Rhetoric of Rape: William Blake’s Visions of the Daughters of Albion as Eighteenth-Century Rape Trial.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 149-162.

[Info] Snell, Esther. »Trials in Print: Narratives of Rape Trials in the Proceedings of the Old Bailey.« Crime, Courtrooms, and the Public Sphere in Britain, 1700-1850. Edited by David Lemmings. Fanham 2012.

[Info] Walker, Garthine. »Rape, Acquittal and Culpability in Popular Crime Reports in England, c.1670-c.1750.« Past & Present 220 (2013): 115-142.

[Info] Walker, Garthine. Language, Consent and Culpability in Rape and Child Sexual Abuse in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Wales and England.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Site] French Trials

[Info] Hibbert, Sian. »Women and Violence in Early Modern Languedoc.« Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Dublin 2022.

[Site] German Trials

Cases: Real Offenders: Isaak Herz; Real Victims: From

[Site] Italian Trials

[Info] Basilico, Alessio. »Giustizia ecclesiastica e trattamento del reato di stupro: Indicazioni di ricerca dalla diocesi di Teramo (1616-1750).« Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica No. 2 (2011): 207-230.

[Info] McNamara, Celeste. »Illicit Sex in Early Modern Venice.« Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Historical Studies. New York 2020.

[Site] Scottish Trials

[Info] Barclay, Katie. »Malignant passions and carnal desires: Rape in long eighteenth-century Scotland.« Historical Research (July 11, 2024).

[Site] Spanish Trials

[Info] Gamboa Baztán, María A. »Los procesos criminales sobre la causa del estupro ante la Corte y el Consejo Real de Navarra (1750-1799): Aproximación a la sociedad navarra de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII.« Príncipe de Viana No. 9 (1988): 111-120.

[Site] Welsh Trials

[Info] Watson, Katherine D. »Women, violent crime and criminal justice in Georgian Wales.« Continuity and Change 28 (2013): 245-272.

[Info] Walker, Garthine. Language, Consent and Culpability in Rape and Child Sexual Abuse in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Wales and England.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.